Wild Soul Creations


A Russian Wave


 Yours for $19.95

Hired by the Russian government to investigate and promote whitewater tourism potential in the Chukota tundra, Becky Bristow and Dunbar Hardy undertake an adventure far different from the whitewater paddling excursion they expected.  Nice scenery and Russian culture along with an interesting and funny story make this a good watch.  Winner of so many awards it's hard to list including Banff, Whisterl, Rossland Film Fest, & National Paddling Film Festival.

Want to see some serious Russian Whitewater?
A Glorious Way To Die

Click the pic to see the back






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or call 1-678-560-8076 M-F 8:30-5:00 ET

About the demo avi downloads:

The Intel version of the demo file will look much better than the Microsoft version as long as your PC has the drivers needed.

* These files use Intel's Indeo Video Interactive Version 4.3 drivers.  If you don't have them, your system will report an error that says something like "no suitable decompressor available".  If you get this message, click here to get the drivers from Intel free.

1546 Rosewood Circle., # 1R
Marietta GA 30067
(678)560-8076 (9:00am-5:00pm est.)