Voyageurs North Productions


Rafting The Arctic's
"Wildlife River"
©2002 31 Minutes

Retail $24.95  Your Price $22.95

The Voyageurs North crew takes a guided trip down the Burnside River north of the Arctic Circle.  While there, they see some awesome wildlife in the tundra including wolves, caribou, gyr falcons, a wolverine, and lots of grizzly.





Check Out these related books:
Sea Kayaking Lakes Superior & Michigan

Sea Kayaking
Slate Islands

©2002 31 Minutes

Retail $24.95  Your Price $22.95

This sea kayak adventure takes the viewer to the Slate Island Park near the North Shore of Lake Superior.  The scenery and wildlife (big elk) is special.  Explore the old mines, the geology, and the beauty of this special place.





The Mystical Floating Isle

Lake Superior's Michopicoten Island

30 minutes

Retail $24.95  Your Price $22.95

A sea kayak adventure circumnavigating this special island.  Rugged shoreline, dark rock, and vivid colors make this a beautiful island.  Excellent videography brings it home.

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Check out these seakayaking books & videos:
C&K's Kayak Touring
Performance Sea Kayaking






Alaska's Yukon River

40 Minutes

Retail $24.95  Your Price $22.95

By Voyageurs North Productions.  Follow adventure travelers Tim & Linda Kasten as they fly to Alaska to paddle a 420 mile stretch of the mighty Yukon River.   Experience the beauty and power of the 5th longest river in the world.  From Eagle, Alaska to the Pipeline Haul Road they pass through two national preserves, Yukon Charlie and Yukon Flats.  With abundant wildlife, a 7.5 mph current, 24 hours of daylight and 20 days to paddle, a Yukon River canoe trip is an experience of a lifetime.






The Missinaibi River
Mattice to Moose Crossing

29 Minutes

Retail $24.95 Your Price $22.95

By Voyageurs North Productions.  The Missinaibi, a Canadian Heritage River flowing free from the height of land in Ontario to James Bay, was once part of the most important Voyageur trade route connecting the Great Lakes with Hudson Bay.  Follow a canoe trip from Mattice, Ontario nearly 200 miles to Moose Crossing on the free flowing, wild and unspoiled Missinaibi River. 


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Montana's Upper Missouri
National Wild & Scenic River 

34 Minutes

Retail 24.95  Your Price $22.95

By Voyageurs North Productions.  Paddle by canoe & kayak on the 149 mile federally protected "Wild & Scenic" section of the Upper Missouri River. Float back into history on the Lewis and Clark Historic Trail.  See the spectacular White Cliffs and experience the river much as it was in the early 1800’s.  Abundant wildlife, beautiful scenery and a sense of history, combine to paint a full picture of "Big Sky" country. 










Superior's North Shore
Pukaska National Park to Michopicoten

48 Minutes

Retail $24.95 Your Price $22.95

By Voyageurs North Productions.  Lake Superior is considered by many paddlers as the "Crown Jewel" of the Midwest.  Travel by canoe & kayak along Superior’s North Shore from Canada’s Pukaskwa National Park to the village of Michipicoten, more than 110 miles of pristine coastline.  Visit sandy beaches with no footprints, magnificent rocky headlands, spectacular waterfalls and beautiful, unspoiled wilderness.

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The Intel 4.1 demo file will look much better if your PC has the drivers to run it.

*  These files use Intel's Indeo Video Interactive Version 4.3 drivers.  If you don't have them, your system will report an error that says something like "no suitable decompressor available".  If you get this message, click here to get the drivers from Intel free.

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Marietta GA 30067
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