Whitewater Kayak
Instructional Books

Rolling A Kayak

Retail $16.95  Yours for $15.95

Ken Whiting 88 pages ©2007

Clear, concise pictures, illustrations and explanations clarify the steps in three different types of kayak roll: C-to-C, Sweep, and Pawlata.  The rolls are demonstrated in both whitewater and sea kayaks.  The offside and hand rolls are also covered.

As a side note, the illustrations were done by a famous canoeist, Paul Mason!

If you still need help with your roll, check these out:
The Bombproof Roll and Beyond
The Kayak Roll DVD
E.J. Rolling and Bracing


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Whitewater Kayaking

Retail $22.95  Yours for $19.95

Ken Whiting 259 pages ©2004

Ken Whiting & Kevin Varette combine their many years of experience to bring you the most comprehensive instructional book about whitewater kayaking.  Equipment, strokes, reading whitewater, safety and rescue, playboating, creek boating, nig water, squirt boating, slalom and waterfall running are all covered in this book.  Pictures, drawings and diagrams help make the text even clearer.  But, I can't figure out why he doesn't mention paddlesnakes... 




 The Playboater's Handbook II 

Retail $22.95  Yours for $19.95

Ken Whiting 215 pages ©2002

This is a big improvement over the original playboaters handbook.  Sporting color pictures throughout, this books has more basics, more moves and more to say than the original.  Wih assistance from Corran Addison, Steve Fisher, and Tyler Curtis, Ken breaks down the steps to everything from super clean cartwheels and the Tricky Whu, to big aerial moves like the Space Godzilla.

Play Daze (by Ken Whiting)
Liquid Skills (Ken Whiting)

Searching for the Gee Spot (Corran Addison)
Searching for the Pro State (Corran Addison)

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Book: Ken Whiting The Playboater's Handbook II



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Book: Playboating Moves and Training EJ E.J. Eric Jackson

Check out some Playboating Instructional Videos:
Play Daze

Searching for the Gee Spot

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Moves & Training

Kayaking with Eric Jackson

Retail $16.95  Yours for $13.95

127  Pages ©2000

Learn freestyle from the 1999 U.S. National Freestyle Champion at both kayak and C-1.  This book shows you the boat, paddle and body positions for lots of moves.  Eric also discusses linking moves and composing routines for competition as well as training and exercise.


Canoe & Kayak Techniques

Whitewater Kayaking

Retail $8.95  Yours for $7.95

60 pages ©1998

This is a compilation of 28 articles from C&K magazine to cover basic kayak techniques.  Clear, detailed explanations are matched with crisp drawings to help you paddle better.

Click on the picture to see the back cover

Book: C&K Whitewater Kayaking

Check out some basic WW kayak instructional videos:

Kayak 101
Grace Under Pressure
The Kayaker's Edge

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Book: Kent Ford The Kayaker's Playbook

Some videos to go along with this book:
The Kayaker's Edge

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Kent Ford's

The Kayaker's Playbook

Retail $14.95 Yours for $13.95

64 pages ©1998

This book contains 100 drills, tips, and hints for easier paddling.  Pictures, drawings, and concise instructions are combined by master instructor Kent Ford to produce a book which will make you a better paddler.  A waterproof Stroke-Play Crib Sheet Card is included to help you in the water.



Whitewater Paddling:

Strokes & Concepts

Kayaking with Eric Jackson

Retail $16.95  Yours for $13.95

80 Pages ©2000

Besides being an Olympian and former World Freestyle Champion, Eric Jackson is also a great teacher of kayak skills.  This book covers 13 strokes, 8 techniques, and drills to make you a better boater.

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Click the Picture to see the back cover

Book: Whitewater Paddling Strokes and Concepts Kayaking with Eric Jackson E.J. EJ

Check out some intermediate to advanced kayak instruction videos:

Essential Boating Control


Book: The Bombproof Roll and Beyond - Rolling a kayak

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The Bombproof Roll and Beyond!

Retail $15.95  Yours for $14.95

184 pages

This 2 part book covers two valuable kayaking skills in depth.  First, it shows comprehensively, with diagrams and descriptions, how to brace and roll a kayak.  The second part is an introduction to playboating.  This book is an excellent tool for improving your roll and playboating skills and becoming more comfortable on the river.  You can have a bomb proof roll!


Check out some related videos:
Learning the Kayak Roll
Retendo (Basic Playboating)


The Playboater's Handbook

Retail $14.95 Yours for $10.50

150 pages

This book is a compilation of the freestyle techniques that Ken Whiting has perfected in the last 10 years.  Photos & illustrations accompany a detailed breakdown of each move.  The handbooks covers such freestyle skills as front surfing, 360's, flat spinning, stern squirts and pirouettes, cartwheels, rock 360's, splats, airwheels, and much more.  Feature articles written by Ken and kayak design guru Bob McDonough are also included, on such topics as choosing the right playboat and paddle.

Check out some Playboating Instructional Videos:

Play Daze (by Ken Whiting)
Searching for the Gee Spot

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Book: The Playboater's Handbook Ken Whiting



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