The Epicocity Project





Retail $29.95  Yours for $27.95


Designed to teach the latest in freestyle kayaking technique, this instructional video covers everything from basic moves to the latest combos and aerials.  The video is fast paced as it progresses through many many techniques.  Graphics show the sweet spot on the waves & holes.  And super smooth slow motion demonstrates the steps to make the moves.


Mission: Epicocity

Retail $24.95  Yours for $21.95

45 minutes ©2006

I think the best eye candy in this DVD is the steep creek footage from South America.  There is some really pretty stuff in here!.  But, this is by no means, a single destination video.  The playboating on the White Nile includes some entertaining footage of local African kayakers.  Some pretty good NC surf kayaking mixed with some creekin'.  And there's also some nice footage from Oregon.  Overall, a fine video to watch with friends and suds the night before a boating trip.


Now get Mission Epicocity & Bigger Than Rodeo on one DVD!

Combo DVD $26.95





Bigger Than Rodeo

Now get Mission Epicocity & Bigger Than Rodeo on one DVD!

Combo DVD $26.95


44 minutes ©2004

The grand finale of this video is Ed Lucero's run on a 105 foot, straight vertical waterfall.  It's huge.  It's bigger than rodeo.  The rest of this DVD is primarily a music video including a mix of creekin and freestyle.  A variety of locales are visited from the gigantic water of the Slave River in the Northwest Territory to pristine steep creekin' in Chile. The (plentiful) hole play features lots of big aerial moves.

Trip Jennings, Chris Todd, Karl Moser, Alex Hotze, Amy Jimmerson, Scott Feindel, Ed Lucero, Eleanor Perry, I J Groth.



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