Arnd Schaftlein Films

Arnd's extreme whitewater kayaking videos from rivers around the world

Full On

Retail - $22.95  Your Price - $19.95

Heavy duty kayaking in New Zealand, California, and the European Alps.  Big drops and big water from the Perth, Arahua, Kaituna, Wairoa, Waikoto, Indian Creek, Luv's Creek, Golden Gate, Dry Meadow Creek, Otz river, Verzasca, and Egua.  The carnage cuts run while the credits roll.

Click here to download 1.4MB Intel 4.1 AVI demo *

Boaters include:
Brennan Guth

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Full On Kayaking Video

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Water of Wisdom Kayaking Video

Water of Wisdom


The Germans travel the world.   The dialogue is mostly German with English subtitles.  Shot all over the place, this tape includes Chile, Patagonia, Montana, and California (Baker Canyon).   This is a bunch of kayakers having a great time.  If you believe this tape, all they do is eat pancakes, drink beer, and kayak all the time.  Fun tape!

Click here to download 1.8MB Intel 4.1 avi demo

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The Mothership Connection

Retail $19.95 Yours for $7.95

In a big old RV loaded with 14 kayaks, Arnd Schaeftlein and a bunch of other expert paddlers travel and boat Europe.

Motehrship Connection Kayak Video



About the demo avi downloads:

The Intel 4.1 demo file will look much better if your PC has the drivers to run it.

*  These files use Intel's Indeo Video Interactive Version 4.3 drivers.  If you don't have them, your system will report an error that says something like "no suitable decompressor available".  If you get this message, click here to get the drivers from Intel free.

1546 Rosewood Circle., # 1R
Marietta GA 30067
(678)560-8076 (9:00am-5:00pm est.)