Attention AOL Users!

We have received reports of "invalid transmission" errors from AOL users attempting to use our store.

The problem is caused by AOL's caching proxy servers.  A workaround exists:  Use the Internet Explorer on your computer's desktop instead of the one built into AOL.  To do that, minimize the AOL GUI (the AOL window) then double click the Internet Explorer icon that is on the desktop.  You can still be connected to AOL.  But the IE on the desktop will not use their proxy server and will work with

If you still can't use the store, please notify AOL and then call us and we'll handle your order manually.

We apologize for the problem, but we can't fix AOL's issue.  (Try Earthlink, or MSN)

Our number is 678-560-8076

And, if you're calling after hours, leave a message and we'll call you back.